Way back in 2015 when we first moved to the Portland neighborhood we had no idea what the next seven years would hold for us and for the community. We moved here with pure hearts to just love our neighbors. What started out as a simple move from one side of town to the other turned into a broader community movement of love. When I opened the mail that fall of 2015 and saw the letter from the IRS officially declaring Love City Inc. a 501c3 with an effective date of November 3, 2015 stamped at the top it was the start of one of the greatest and hardest journeys of my life. We were so excited to receive that letter, marveling at how we had been approved in just 3 weeks, when we had heard it takes over a year to get 501c3 status. At that time we had open gym, a fish fry, a few volunteers, and a house full of millennials hungry for authentic community. We had no idea what we were doing (and as Shawn says, "we still don't"), but one thing remained we always try our best to love those around us. The last seven years have brought about amazing change and growth for our community and for our neighbors near and far.
As we look forward to the next seven years we're excited about all the ways the community is continuing to grow. Some of the things that are on the horizon: Mighty Oak will continue growing to include high school; our pre-school will be back open in the fall of 2023 on a brand new campus; we are securing a new location for Porkland with the goal of re-opening in the spring of 2023; we will offer entrepreneur training for the kids in the neighborhood, have youth sports programs, bring back all Love City events; continue our Tuesday night community gathering and more. With all this continued growth sustainability is key and we need your help.
If you are on this email then you made this last 7 years happen, you helped turn that simple piece of paper from the IRS declaring Love City a 501c3 into a living breathing community full of neighbors loving one another. Shawn and I, from our hearts, extend our gratitude for your support, you made this dream become a reality! Some of you have partnered with us in the past and some continue to partner with us today. We look at your contributions and support not just as a simple donation, but as an encouragement to keep going! The fight is not easy, but it's easier when we do it together!
We're asking you now to either re-engage by becoming a monthly donor or if you have been with us would you prayerfully consider increasing your monthly gift. Thank you for everything over the last seven years, and we can't wait to see what the next seven years has for all of us!
Thank you!
Inga and Shawn
Inga and Shawn back to where it all began in Rome Italy earlier this year.