And They're off..

And They’re Off…

Last year Mighty Oak Academy started an annual event to celebrate the Derby and the history of horse racing in our city. This past week we celebrated the Derby in Mighty Oak style with the 2nd annual running of the MOA horse races, one race focuses on speed and the other endurance.  

Twenty to Thirty MOA family members were gathered last Friday afternoon to cheer on the MOA Derby Parade

We started our celebration this year a little differently with a parade to kick off our races.  Our Junior Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and 1st/2nd grade classes worked hard to be prepared for the big races and the parade. Some made floats for the parade, others made hats, and some made flowers, jockey shirts, and others made signs to carry to cheer on the competitors. The boys basketball team and girls volleyball team lead the whole school through the parade route. The students were happily surprised to see all the supporters on the parade route waving and cheering for them as they passed.  Neighbors along the route came out to see what all the noise was about and joined in to cheer our kids on as they passed by. We finished the parade and moved into the gym where you could feel the excitement building for the first race.

 Older students had made signs for all of the horses and their riders and cheered as each made their way to the starting lines. Other students helped get the younger students in position at the starting line. Then the big buddies gave their little buddy one last word of encouragement before the whistle blew to start each race.  Watching the community between the older and younger students was heartwarming.  Everyone cheered from the first student to cross the line to the last. 

Our Middle School Students leading the MOA Derby Parade

This support of each other is one of things that we have been working on with all of the students for the entire year and to see it play out so beautifully was a blessing to me and my team.  We are not perfect at treating each other with love and respect all of the time. However, seeing interactions like today gives our team the motivation to keep teaching, to keep dreaming, and to keep loving each student and their family where they are now. That's one piece of the mission to teach our students how to love themselves and others a little better each day, building community members that have the skills to make changes in their community.


While our 1,000 neighbors giving $25 a month campaign has officially ended, we are still looking for partners to help sponsor students at Mighty Oak Academy. If you can join in and partner with us please click the link below.

Today we released the Mighty Oak Academy Spring Apparel Collection, designed by students to our parents. Keep an eye on social media as it will be released to the public for preorder on May 13th.

Kemet with her shirt design

If you are interested in volunteering or to find out more information about supplies needed please email: or call (502) 272-078.