Another Mighty Oak First...

Another Mighty Oak First...

Since starting Mighty Oak, we have been able to see a lot of first days. Our first official day in 2021, our first school field trip in 2022, our first athletic games. Each one is a special day for us as we get to witness the community come together in celebration as we enjoy the moment together. The emotions that we feel as we get to see our dreams realized before our very eyes. Yesterday, we got to experience another first: the first annual Mighty Oak Academy Science Fair.

Our science fair involved the entire school, Kindergarten through Eighth Grade. Each grade level the expectations were different, laying foundations for students to learn that can be built upon each year to get them to the point where they are able to lay out a scientific presentation with hypotheses, experiments, and conclusions. Our youngest students' projects were simple posters where they just provided a couple of facts and learned to present them with a poster board. The next oldest students had research based presentations where they practiced researching and providing more information in a clear presentation. Then all of our middle schoolers had a traditional science fair project that included hypotheses, experiment, and conclusion. 

One of our Kindergarteners presenting their presentation

We had three volunteers from outside of the school that came to listen and judge each project. This required the students to practice presenting material to people that they were not familiar with, getting them more comfortable with presenting. A majority of the students worked in teams to get them practice with group work. The judges gave out first, second, and third place prizes to participants in each house. After all official judge presentations came the best part, where families were able to come see their students work. After experiencing so many Mighty Oak firsts, we are always still shocked with just how many of our families show up. 

Students and families waiting to hear the presentation of the awards

As parents poured in the door, excited kids ran to show off what they had been working so hard on. Taking their parents by the hands to lead them to their project board. Going over their presentations that they had rehearsed time and again for one final time. Then happily taking their board home with them to undoubtedly show it to many more people. While a science fair may seem like a regular school occurrence for many, we can’t help but to get a little emotional. To think, we were able to be at the first for Mighty Oak. Whenever I am in these moments, my mind can’t help but to drift forward in time;  to twenty years in the future, where our students are the ones being taken by the hand and led to their childrens’ projects. Thank you to everyone who has helped support us, who has allowed us the opportunity to be a part of that first, whether in prayer, resources, or your time. Thank you.


Field Trips!

As the weather gets warmer we are excitedly planning learning activities outside the classroom! Our educators have lined up some amazing opportunities but we need your help to make it happen! Our goal is to visit Payton Glass Creative Center and the Louisville Zoo in the next couple of months before school lets out for the summer. If you are interested in helping support our school's field trips, please click the link below to contribute to the field trip fund!

Fish Fry!

The Fish Fry is open on Friday March 29. We will be closed next week on April 5, for Spring Break so be sure to come by and grab your fish today!

If you are interested in volunteering or to find out more information about supplies needed please email: or call (502) 272-078.