Another School Year Completed

Thank You

Our last day of our school year was last Thursday. Whether you support us through prayers, donations, or just encouragement, you gave our community a choice of quality education.  To say thank you, we wanted to have our teachers share about their experiences this year and give them an opportunity to tell you some stories that help show the impact that Mighty Oak Academy is having.

Favorite Activities

To end the school year the Kindergarten class had a Hawaiian party. They celebrated all day. They started with Hawaiian centers. Students got to paint sea shells, play with sand, and make leis.  The day ended with a party where students made their own beach with blue pudding, gummies, and crushed graham crackers.  -Ms. Hannah, Kindergarten

During one of our little and big school projects I had the pleasure of seeing the students engage with their big. It was amazing to see how some of the students who have some problems with their own self control were able to aid in helping their little stay calm and be comfortable. Watching the students engage by being patient and taking the time to help them not be frustrated was amazing to see. After my students returned to class they mentioned how they had not previously known their big prior to the assignment but they felt really comfortable by the end. I heard from my students how they felt that their big was really funny and really nice. It was an amazing engagement to see and something my students always look forward to. 

The third, fourth and fifth grade students created a wax museum project and their presentations were amazing. It was great to see the thought they put into their costumes and how they were in character during the process.  The interactions and project was well thought out and my younger class were so interested they asked if it was something they would be doing when they got to bigger grades because they thought it was so cool. - Ms. Dawn, 1st and 2nd Grade

Our Kindergarten Class at their Christmas Performance

On Teaching at the School

This school year was my first full year of teaching. In December 2021, I graduated and accepted a teaching position in my hometown. That school year was awful. I was thrown into a fifth grade classroom, fresh out of college, with little support from the administrators. I felt like I was thrown under a bus and that I made the wrong career choice. I felt that way until I found Mighty Oak Academy. This school year has been amazing. The small class sizes have really given me a chance to connect with each and every one of my students. I am able to give my students the academic support they need easily. I will forever cherish all the memories made this school year and all the relationships I built with the staff and students. The relationships across the building truly do feel like a community. I cannot thank the administrators enough for everything that have helped me through and the support I receive from them daily! Love City is the perfect name for this organization because you really do feel loved when you are a part of it. - Ms. Ray, 4th and 5th Grade

I joined Mighty Oak Academy only half way through the school year, but I have loved working with the students, helping them succeed, and learning about the Portland neighborhood.  I moved to the Louisville area in 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Because of this, I never got to really know the people, my new neighbors, as there wasn't an opportunity.  Love City and Mighty Oak Academy have allowed me to meet such a unique and wonderful community, and work with kids who have a variety of amazing, bold, and hilarious personalities.  As I keep teaching and working in the community, I hope to help my students reach for the stars and accomplish whatever they want to accomplish. - Ms. Taylor, 3rd Grade


In education we take big leaps of faith, knowing the growth potential in each of our students. Many times in the year it is the small steps that endure to make the biggest changes. Mid-year we gathered our older boys to have an intentional conversation about leadership. Amidst the raised hands in response to our questions was the hand of a student who had begun the year with doubts he could ever embody the qualities of a leader. No matter which question we asked, his hand was up, eager to supply the responses he had not only learned to identify, but to proudly possess. Seeing a student go from disbelief to believing is one of the most honorary things educators get to witness. It is the difference between intention and presented information and actionable steps, actively taken by the student to make their own change and carry that into their community. Within that circle, this student made a full turn from the person he saw himself as and the young man he is choosing to become. These are proud moments when students confidently embody Mighty Oak's mission to awaken dreams and in turn share that wider vision of who we are (and can be) with others in our community. - Ms. Beth, Student Support Specialist

Our Students on a field trip to the playground

As the final minutes of the last day of the school year approaches, I have a moment to reflect on my year with the students here at Mighty Oak Academy.  I have seen so much growth in them in these last few weeks alone.  As we have been wrapping up the year doing end of the year assessments and checklists, I have been able to sit with several of the students one on one.  Some of the students have read out loud to me and written summaries of what they've read.   Others have come in and completed the same math assessment with ease that they struggled with at the beginning of the year.  I have been able to compare their confidence and improvement in reading, writing, and math from the beginning of the year up until now.  Most importantly, I have been able to see the growth in the students as they are becoming their own individual learners.  It is a bittersweet moment to say goodbye for the summer. -Ms. Shayla, Instructional Coach

The Power of Love

Thank you so much for this year! I'm so thankful you were the one to be his teacher, he really needed someone like you. He was really behind due to our past and everything we've been through, he definitely had a rough life (sadly) before we move down this way and got away from everything. He came home with a smile on his face everyday ready to tell us everything he did that day and what you had told him to do instead of being upset or using the words he would use! He really really loves you!! Thank you for going above and beyond for them and letting them be them, it means the world to me. JCPS wasn't the best to him, and they didn't give him the academic levels he actually needed, just whatever was assigned.... I'm glad you guys pay attention to your students to know their needs. We love you Ms. Ashley!!! 💘 Again, thank you so much for this year! We really appreciate it, he doesn't know it much yet but once he's going to middle school i'll make sure he looks back and knows this is where it started and this is how he got there, without you it wouldn't of happened!! We love you!! - A parent to our JK Teacher Ms. Ashley

Our JK Teacher posing with one of her students on the last day of school

While our 1,000 neighbors giving $25 a month campaign has officially ended, we are still looking for partners to help sponsor students at Mighty Oak Academy. If you can join in and partner with us please click the link below.

If you are interested in volunteering or to find out more information about supplies needed please email: or call (502) 272-078.