Proud Parents…
A new school that is based on community, that believes in trying alternative approaches to be able to teach students in the best way possible. A school that wants to focus on relationships and preparing students for life more than being solely geared towards college prep. A school that will not allow students to bring their lunch so that they can learn about nutrition as well. A brand new school starting right in our neighborhood, in the middle of a pandemic. Mighty Oak should not have been an easy sell. It took a lot of trust for parents to send their students here. Thankfully, it was trust that we had been able to build for 6 years prior to the launch of Mighty Oak. Now we are getting to see the payoffs of that trust, not just with our students but also with our parents.
Last week, we got to see one of our parents post on social media about how much of a difference Mighty Oak has made with their students. It was such an encouragement to get to share that with our team. Showing them that the work we are doing is not only impacting the students, but is even impacting their families.
This week, there was another post. This post was talking about how much the “safe space” has helped their child, and how they never thought something like that could work. A “safe space” is a designated area in a classroom that students can retreat to when working through big emotions, whether they need to cool down or process an interaction with another student. In the post, the parent was saying how last year they were not convinced it would be a good idea for their student because they could see their child using it as a play place or just to shirk learning responsibilities. It took a year, but now they see the benefit, the parent was sharing how much the safe space had helped grow her students and help them in the classroom.
Even better than getting to see that post, was getting to see the comments. The comments are where other parents got involved, sharing how safe spaces helped their children. The parents talked about how different of an approach Mighty Oak has from the way they were raised and educated. Not only are we getting to help our students, but we are able to show their families that there are different ways to handle social-emotional issues, there are different ways to educate.
Doing things differently can feel risky, surely there is some reason that things are done the way they are. That feeling is what makes us so grateful when we get to hear from our parents that they see what we are doing and the benefits that they are seeing in their families. It is encouraging that we are able to see that we have been able to honor the trust that our parents first put in us when they decided to allow us to educate their children. Now, we have a community based school that parents are proud of and want to share about.
Fish Fry Today 11am-7pm!!!
The Fish Fry will be open today from 11-7pm. Stop by for a fish sandwich or some churched up tots. Join us for Dinner for some Karaoke!!
If you are interested in volunteering or to find out more information about supplies needed please email: or call (502) 272-078.