A Surprise Basketball Camp Guest

A Surprise Basketball Camp Guest

We are now in our second week of summer basketball camps. The kids have been loving it. Sometimes it is hard to see the impact that loving the next generation has, especially since we have only been loving our neighbors in Portland for the past 8 years. Today though, we got to see a glimpse.

Remi grew up in this neighborhood, he spent most of his middle school years at Love City Open Gym, coming there right after school everyday to play ball and hang out with Shawn. With an athletic, 6 foot 7 frame, he helped lead the first ever Love City basketball team, the Lions, to an undefeated season. During a worship night in the old ballroom, he was baptized in a horse trough, having to contort his body to fit due to his height.  Remi grew up hanging out at a house just down the street from mine.  Every time I would pass the house, he would be outside playing basketball with a young kid, looking like he was having the time of his life.

Remi as a Love City Lion

When Remi was a sophomore, he was recruited to go to a prep school for basketball in Cincinnati. It was a bitter-sweet day for many in our community, we were proud of him and cheered him on, but many of the kids were sad to be losing their role model and friend. I remember one day his team was traveling to play in Louisville and we filled our 15 passenger van with people who wanted to go watch his game and support. Remi still returned to Portland every summer where you could find him playing basketball with the kids on our street.  Remi ended up going to some junior colleges and playing ball before getting a full ride to Louisiana Monroe this coming year. 

Remi Coaching a drill at Basketball Camp

Recently, Remi returned for the summer and I saw him at one of our gym rentals, excited to be back in the Mackin building on his home court. I told Shawn he was back for the summer and he got with Remi to have him come hang out at our basketball camp one day. So, yesterday, Remi came. He dunked for the kids, played with them 5 vs 1, and had a great time. He was able to share with the kids about the opportunities they have been provided in this community. It was a beautiful thing to see. Remi continues to pass on the love that he felt in this gym to others, and there is no doubt that it will help create more Remi’s in our neighborhood.

If you would like to see a short highlight reel from Remi’s time with the Love City Lions click here.


The Reason we do it…

Mighty Oak Academy 2022 - 2023 School Report Card

In May, Mighty Oak Academy finished it’s second full school year. MOA started in January 2021 in response to the lack of education options for students in the west end of Louisville. With only 10% of households having internet access at their home, online school wasn’t working down here. We started with 27 students for that first spring semester, increased to 40 for the 2021 -2022 school year and started the 2022-2023 school year with 80 students.

A lot has been said about the effect of COVID on education but for our neighborhood challenges in education existed long before the pandemic. The percentage of students meeting standards in this neighborhood prior to COVID was well below schools on the other side of town. This year we decided to share the progress of our students to show that focusing on love, social emotional learning, and reading and math, students anywhere are capable of learning and growth.

As I finished our analysis of our reading and math assessments for our students at the end of May I was amazed at the numbers I was seeing. The percentage of students on grade level at the end of the year compared to the beginning of the year increased 164% in reading, it increased 44% in math. It’s also important to note that for those students that didn’t meet grade level standards by the end of the year, almost the entire school showed significant growth. Within each grade level there are multiple reading and math levels that students progress through. 60% of our students increased at least 1 reading level and 70% increased at least 1 math level. 57% of students increased more than 2 levels in math.

These numbers show me that all kids are capable of learning. As we look to prepare for the new school year, we need some help making sure that these programs can continue for the next school year. We have a significant deficit going into this school year. If you feel led to hep partner with us to continue please click the button below and join in today!

Fish Fry every Friday 11-7pm

Today is FRYDAY! A major part of not only the community at Love City but also an important part of the sustainability, we fry fish and smoke bbq every Friday. If you are looking for a way to support the community and get some great food, please come and see us!

2519 St Cecilia St

11am - 7pm



4th Annual Westonia Water Wars!

It’s back! The largest water balloon fight in the west! Tuesday evening July 25 from 5-7. Come join us as we turn Westonia into a family friendly water park. In addition to the water balloon fight we will have a huge inflatable water slide, water slip n slide, ice cream, sno cones, cotton candy, and much more!

Nerd Louisville is back!

Join Nerd Louisville for a night of games and laughs tonight at the Fish Fry. Games will start at 5:00 pm.

If you are interested in volunteering or to find out more information about supplies needed please email: info@lovecityinc.org or call (502) 272-078.