After School…
This week, our after school programs for this semester kicked into gear. Every school day has after school programs of various types, some days even have multiple options for kids to attend! Now, we have more options for students than we have had in years. It has been awesome to see our team step up to lead these programs and the excitement it has created in students.
A Couple of members of our team hopping in to play at Open Gym
After school programs have always been a big part of Love City. It was the main aspect of Love City programming for years before Mighty Oak was created. The power of after school programs is that you get to spend time with kids without the intensity of school, but with more structure than just free play. It lets you get to know a different side of students and allows students to get to learn more about the passions of the school staff that they see everyday. Getting the opportunity to deepen relationships with students in that environment is good all around, enhancing their educational instruction time while also introducing them to new hobbies and interests that they never knew they had.
A Couple of students at Gaming CLub
On Mondays we have a soccer open gym, where students can come, do some drills, and have fun playing different types of soccer games. Tuesdays have open gym for basketball as well as an option for gaming club with one of our middle school teachers Ms. Leo. These provide an athletic option where kids can exercise their bodies and an option to exercise their creativity in gaming club. Some of our lower school teachers also provide reading tutoring on Tuesday to help students who need a little extra time working on foundational skills. Wednesday’s provide another basketball day for students who are not able to make it on Tuesdays. We also just had our first grade teacher, Mr. Michael, start a Young Producer’s Club on Wednesday’s where students can learn how to produce music with various instruments and methods. Finally, on Thursday’s we have Volleyball open gym with our student support specialist Ms. Beth. With all of these options we have been able to introduce students to a variety of different activities that give us more time with them and more time to build deeper relationships with them.
A First Grade Student at Young Producer’s Club
While it has been exciting to see the students' interest and participation in these activities, it has excited me even more to see our staff’s passion and willingness to lead these programs and share their own hobbies with their students. It is such a great opportunity that allows our staff to interact with students who they may not normally interact with, creating more connections and relationships within our Mighty Oak community. We look forward to seeing our team continue to pour their hearts and time into these additional programs that will help equip our students with new skills. We appreciate everyone who follows and supports our journey and helps make after school programs a possibility for us. Their impact on the future of our community can not even be imagined.
School Snack List!!!
If you are looking for a way to support Mighty Oak Academy and our mission of quality community based education, please consider helping us provide our students with nutritious snacks from our Amazon Wish List, you can order here.
Merriment Closed Today!!!
Merriment will be closed today as all hands are on deck with at Porkland. We hope to see you tomorrow!
Fish Fry Open!!!
The Fish Fry is back open!! Come get your fix of fish or churched up tots. Look forward to seeing you for a nice warm meal.
If you are interested in volunteering or to find out more information about supplies needed please email: or call (502) 272-078.