Basketball and the dream...

Basketball and the dream...

When Shawn and I first moved to Portland and got the Mackin building, we used to have our neighbors from the other side of town come down to help with various projects.  Those first few months we had hundreds of volunteers come to help demo rooms, clean out basements and alleyways and mow grass on long vacant properties.  Every time a group would come down Shawn would take them on a tour and lay out the dream.  The dream always was a community empowered.  Shawn would tour groups through the building and describe how we were going to have basketball games for the neighborhood, community dinners run by the community, afterschool programs, etc.  All run by our neighbors empowered by resources and knowledge.  Those first few tours ended with our neighbors from afar leaving shaking their heads and thinking, he is such a dreamer, I just don’t see all that stuff happening. 
Seven years later Shawn and I walked into the Mackin gym this past Saturday at 11 am, for  the first basketball game at Mighty Oak Academy.  We entered the gym and took our seats on the bleachers crowded with parents and members of the community.  The students running the scoring table announced the game was about to start and would we all please stand for the national anthem.  Shawn and I looked surprised as we looked around for a flag.  Sure enough a flag had been hung on the wall in the corner of the gym.  Three more students walked out to center court with the microphone and proceeded to sing the national anthem.  The refs blew the whistle, and the game was underway.  Looking around at the full gym, the parents and families in attendance and the students running the program, both Shawn and I couldn’t help but start crying. 

Students Virginia Jolly, Kelsey Ogle, and Kensley Goodlett singing the national anthem at the game on Saturday.

Every player for Mighty Oak had their family in attendance at the game.  Their teachers were also there cheering them on.  Even families that didn’t have students playing came to the game to encourage the team and be a part of the community.  One dad in particular caught my eye.  He came in right as the game was starting and sat next to his mother-in-law, our student Trynton’s grandmother.  Trynton’s mom passed away from cancer last spring.  His dad hadn’t always been very stable, and Trynton’s grandma had finally been able to get custody.  Grandma and dad’s relationship had been rocky to say the least.  But yesterday, I looked over and saw them sitting next to each other.  Dad was clearly crying, and Grandma had her arm around him comforting him, as they both watched Trynton play in his first school sports game.  I’m sure they were both missing Trynton’s mom and wishing she was there to see him play. 
Across the gym sat Ms. Jennifer our 7th grade teacher and Ms. Ray, our 5th grade teacher.  Both had students playing on the team and had taken time out of their Saturday to come cheer on their students.  Even Sonny Ray, one of our kindergarteners, and his mom came to watch the game and support the team.  It was all I could do not to cry the entire game.  The dream had become a reality.  Everything that Shawn and I had dreamed seven years ago, when we walked people around the building describing what was one day going to be there, had come true.  The community was empowered, they were running it and it was beautiful. 

Highlight reel from the Mighty Oak Academy basketball game.  MOA are in the yellow pennys. 

This Saturday marks the end of basketball season, we will be having intramural games where Mighty Oak students play each other on Saturday at the Mackin at 11am.   
Next up is volleyball season!  Practice starts in a couple of weeks so stay tuned for game information!

Lent is less than a month away..

We are gearing up for the busy season of Fish Frys and we are super excited.  You don't have to wait until lent to come get fish!  We're open every Friday from 11am - 7pm.  We would love to see you! 

We've started a new semester at Mighty Oak Academy and can always use supplies.  If you are interested in helping, please click the link below to either donate, or click here to see our Amazon list for specific supplies that are needed. 

If you are interested in volunteering or to find out more information about supplies needed please email: or call (502) 272-078.