Be Love..

Be Love..

This past week I've been working on updating our website.  We're excited to be able to debut this website to you over the next couple of months.  My task this week has been to write all of the narrative that will appear on the website.  This narrative gives an in depth view into who Love City is and how we Love.  As I was thinking through the various different topics we will have on the website, a story from a few months ago came to mind.  I think it's a great example of how to love your neighbor that I wanted to share.  

When Shawn and I first moved to the neighborhood and opened up the Mackin building, the houses across the street were a mix of drug houses, brothels, and abandoned vacant houses.  Over time the brothels shut down, the drug houses moved out of the neighborhood, and Love City purchased some of the vacant homes.  Now a majority of the houses on the street have families living in them, some of the homes are owned by Love City and are a part of our affordable housing pillar.  There are still three vacant homes on the block.  One such home is located directly across from the side yard where kids at Mighty Oak Academy take their recess.  

The front porch is almost fully covered by an overgrown bush, keeping a majority of the house hidden from view.  One day when the weather was still warm, a man that we had never seen before decided to take up residency on that front porch.  He had set up his bed, a chair and was sitting on the porch shooting up drugs one afternoon while the kids were out at recess.  The teachers noticed the man and moved the kids to go back into the building. 

The house across the street from Mighty Oak before the bush was cut down.  

Right about then Shawn pulled up in his truck for a meeting.  Staff from the school were out on the front porch looking at the house and talking among themselves.  Shawn asked what was happening.  They filled him in.  They were ready to call the police to remove the man because he was openly using where the kids could see him.  "You can't love him where he's at?" Shawn said.  Shawn walked over to the house.  He introduced himself to the man on the porch, and asked if he could sit with him.  "Sure," the man said.  Shawn sat on the edge of the porch rail and chatted with the man.  He learned who he was, how he got to the neighborhood, just about him in general.  

"Hey man" Shawn said toward the end of the conversation, "see the building across the street?" the man nodded.  "That's our school, and I'm not judging you or condemning you, but you can't be here doing drugs in front of the kids. Could you do me a favor and move on by tomorrow morning? I don't want to have to call the police on you. If you want to get clean I'd be happy to take you somewhere that can help." 

The man looked up and Shawn and said, "you know, I think God sent you over here to talk to me, you're speaking the truth.  I'll be gone in the morning.  I'm not ready yet to get clean but thank you for coming to talk to me." 

Shawn shook the man's hand and came back over to the school.  The next morning the man was gone.  Our maintenance team went over and cut down the overgrown bush hiding the porch so it wouldn't be inviting for other people to come hide out. 

That's the power of love.  Just a conversation no condemnation, no punitive measures, just a conversation and Love.  Seeds were planted in that conversation and hopefully that man is on a better path for his life.  That's how we love.   

The house across the street from Mighty Oak today. 

Lent is less than a month away..

We are gearing up for the busy season of Fish Frys and we are super excited.  You don't have to wait until lent to come get fish!  We're open every Friday from 11am - 7pm.  We would love to see you! 

The movies come to Portland..

A few weeks ago we received a message from the film director that is shooting a movie in the neighborhood this coming March.  The story is one of survival and empowerment and they wanted to partner with people in the community in what ever way they can.  After a short phone call we knew this would be a great opportunity.  While the subject matter of the film is more drama and thriller than family movie we are excited to welcome the director of the film to Mighty Oak Academy in the next month to talk with the kids about film making in general.  

Below is the flyer about the film, for which they are raising funds right now.  Check it out and more to come about thier visit to Love City/Mighty Oak in the coming month. 

We've started a new semester at Mighty Oak Academy and can always use supplies.  If you are interested in helping, please click the link below to either donate, or click here to see our Amazon list for specific supplies that are needed. 

If you are interested in volunteering or to find out more information about supplies needed please email: or call (502) 272-078.