Healing Grounds…
In September 2023, I had been studying for my Master’s in creative writing and teaching as a graduate assistant for the English department at my university. After spending a week in the hospital, I knew the best decision for me was to drop out. My choice hinged upon one crucial factor– I hated teaching… or at least I thought I did.
In May 2024, after another two weeks in the hospital following a series of failures, I made the decision to move to Louisville. My aunt and uncle live here and I knew I needed to be closer to family to get the support I still need.
Sophia greeting a student in the morning
I first found out about Love City through browsing Indeed looking for a job, any job, that might be a good fit for me. I interviewed at a couple of different places, but seeing the Mighty Oak building for the first time, as well as meeting Inga, left a profound impact on me. I knew that this would be something worthwhile and full of meaning, which, deep down, I had been looking for.
A couple of weeks into working here, I met Shawn. We spent long hours talking about Jesus. I told him and Inga about my dreams of being a writer, and that’s when they had an idea. What if I taught a creative writing class? The idea terrified me at first. Especially given that my experience teaching in grad school was part of the reason why I left, I was afraid that history was doomed to repeat itself. But one of my philosophies of life is to say yes until the doors clearly close and also to do things afraid. So I was willing to try again.
Sophia holding the door for a student
A couple of weeks ago, I started teaching creative writing to a group of brilliant 5th-9th graders. And I love it. I’ve been cross-trained across a couple of different writing disciplines, but my favorite is definitely screenwriting. Seeing the kids be excited about what I have to teach them, as well as learning that their voices matter and they have important things to say, has been nothing short of healing for me.
Love City isn’t just a place of healing for the community of Portland. As an outsider who found the initiative through a job posting on Indeed, Love City has been a place of healing for me as well. This community runs through seeing the potential in others, whether that’s Shawn and Inga seeing my potential as a creative writing teacher or me seeing the potential and excitement in my students. Love City has helped me see the potential in myself as well– that I have a place in a community that loves me.
Sophia- Receptionist & Creative Writing Teacher
Merriment is open, with expanded days and hours. Come in to shop or donate Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. If you have any questions or to confirm a drop off time please call (502) 901-1105. We hope to see you soon!! To shop our higher end items online visit our Website or our eBay Page.
Fish Fry OPEN!!!
Stop by the Fish Fry to grab lunch, or bring the family for dinner. Churched Up Tots or a Fried Fish Sandwich. However you do it, We’d love to see you!!!
If you are interested in volunteering or to find out more information about supplies needed please email: info@lovecityinc.org or call (502) 272-078.