Zoo Day!!!

Zoo Day!!!

Yesterday we got the opportunity to take our entire school to the zoo. It is always a great time when teachers get the chance to spend educational moments with students outside of a traditional classroom environment, allowing for curiosity to take the lead and for visualizations to supplement the learning that happens in classrooms. It also allows students and teachers to see a different side of one another. The weather yesterday created an even more memorable experience for our team.

While we were initially a little bit bummed about the change in forecast and colder than expected weather, it was actually a blessing. Educational days at the zoo are usually packed with schools, stressed out chaperones, color coordinated t-shirts, and kids fueled on Mountain Dew and Cotton Candy, it can be an overstimulating and chaotic environment to take students into. With the cooler weather however we ended up having the entire zoo practically to ourselves, seeing only one other group of about twenty students. It ended up being a way better environment to allow for more teaching moments and opportunities to see the animals close up. It was also an opportunity for some of our students with relatives on staff to get to spend an awesome day of learning together.

Our new farmer, Michelle, has a daughter in first grade. Her daughter has been attending Mighty Oak since before Kindergarten, and it has allowed us to get to know their family well. Michelle was there to help us set up and serve lunch and then got to spend some time with her daughter’s class as they explored the zoo. One of our team members at Merriment, Layla, has three middle school brothers and a young niece at Mighty Oak, and we surprised them with her appearance at the field trip. Family helping support us on the field trip while getting to invest time into their familial relationships is the way that community should work and it was beautiful to get to see. Here are some pictures from the amazing day.

A couple of our first graders with Ms. Cindy and a Gorilla

A couple of our Kindergarteners sharing a magical moment with a polar bear

A couple of classes exploring the zoo together

One of our classes enjoying lunch as they watch the nearby geese play


School Snack List!!!

If you are looking for a way to support Mighty Oak Academy and our mission of quality community based education, please consider helping us provide our students with nutritious snacks from our Amazon Wish List, you can order here.


Merriment is closed today. We hope to see you Saturday!!! If you aren’t able to make it within our hours, you can always shop our high dollar items on our website here.

Lent Fish Fry Open!!!

Lent has begun, come celebrate with us!! Come get your fix of fish or churched up tots. Look forward to seeing you for a nice warm meal. We have new and returning menu items for you to try including waffle fries, chicken tenders, and burgers.

If you are interested in volunteering or to find out more information about supplies needed please email: info@lovecityinc.org or call (502) 272-078.