It's all about community...


One of the things that we said from the beginning when we moved to Portland and ended up starting Love City was our goal was always to build community.  While it can seem like that is a very complicated undertaking, in the end it’s actually pretty simple.  If you give people opportunity, resources and love and are genuine in your desire to see them live the life of abundance, community will thrive.  Yesterday we had the opportunity to see community in action.  Mighty Oak Academy had its 2nd annual Christmas program and lunch.  This year we had 5 classes performing to a packed house full of parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, neighbors, and friends.  Our kindergarteners stole the show again this year with their interpretation of the song Wonderful Christmastime.

From the top: Kindergarten Class performing, 1st/2nd grade class performing, 3rd/4th grade class performing, 4th/5th grade class performing, pre-K class performing. 

After the program had concluded everyone crossed the parking lot to Porkland for a lunch that was prepared by the community.  Students and their families got to eat with neighbors from the community and were even visited by Santa.  Earlier in the week parents had come over to the Porkland space to peel apples for the apple strudel dessert and help cut potatoes for the roasted potatoes at lunch.  That morning parents and neighbors came over to Porkland to finish preparing the meal, making the green beans, and mac and cheese.   When the meal was finished parents stayed to help clean and reset the space to be ready for school lunch on Monday.  It was a beautiful picture of community coming together and sharing life together. 
This was always the dream, community building together.  It’s in effect the saints doing the work, and building the kingdom of heaven here on earth. 


We know that this time of year is very busy for everyone.  As we approach the end of December please keep Love City in mind when you are thinking about year end giving.  We are super excited looking forward to next year, including opening a pre-school, growth at

Mighty Oak Academy, and much more.  We can't make it happen with out neighbors like you!  You make neighbors loving neighbors possible.  Let's join together to change our city!  

Please consider partnering financially with Love City.  We are looking for sponsors for students at Mighty Oak Academy as well as partners to help fund construction of our new preschool.  Click the button below to donate today. 

If you are interested in volunteering or to find out more information about supplies needed please email: or call (502) 272-078