The heart of the matter...


Ad we get ready for the Christmas break at our morning meeting at the school today we took some time to reflect on the last semester.   Often when you see kids every day, you don't notice when they grow both physically and social emotionally.  This past week Shawn and I got the opportunity to witness some exponential growth in one of our students and I was able to share that with the teachers this morning.  

On Tuesday this week Shawn stopped by the school to encourage everyone and he ended up having a conversation with one of our now 2nd graders.  Kris lives around the corner from the school on Alford about a half a block down.  We have known Kris for years, since he was just 4 and came to the preschool that was in the Mackin building back in 2018.  This passed fall he and his grandfather were walking by the school when we were processing enrollments.  Shawn called out to say hi, and Kris came bounding up the front steps to give him a hug.  "where are you going to school this year?" Shawn asked.  Kris looked up at him, looked over at the Mighty Oak Academy sign and pointed and said "right here! I'm going to school here!"  That was news to his grandfather, but he knew us from when Kris came here to preschool, so he signed him up.  

Fast forward to this week and it's the end of his first semester at Mighty Oak Academy.  Shawn decided to interview him and see what he likes about school.  Kris sat down on the bleachers in the gym next to Shawn and they had a conversation.  As I was witnessing this exchange I had one of those 'wow' moments.  I saw a little boy, who 5 months ago couldn't sit still, wouldn't look anyone in the eye and struggled to put thoughts together, have an entire thoughtful and carefully considered conversation with Shawn.  He looked Shawn in the eye when he talked, he thought about the questions he was being asked and took his time to think through and formulate his answers.  His favorite subject is reading, his favorite teachers are Ms. Dawn, Ms Hannah, our receptionist Ms. Theresa, and our new Athletic director Coach Woods.  When Shawn asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up, he looked him straight in the eye and said, "i want to be the world's greatest Soccer player.  

At the end of the conversation Shawn asked him, "if you would give some encouragement to people, what would you say?" Kris thought for a moment and then replied, "I would say, don't be bad, but if you are bad, pray to God and he will make you better." 


On Tuesday LouCity came to Mighty Oak Academy for a soccer clinic.  The kids had a blast.  Kris is in the front row 

From the top: Our younger classrooms practicing skills in the soccer clinic with Lou City, Our older classrooms posing for a pic with the soccer instructors, Coach Woods talking to students participating in intramural basketball. 


We know that this time of year is very busy for everyone.  As we approach the end of December please keep Love City in mind when you are thinking about year end giving.  We are super excited looking forward to next year, including opening a pre-school, growth at

Mighty Oak Academy, and much more.  We can't make it happen with out neighbors like you!  You make neighbors loving neighbors possible.  Let's join together to change our city!  

Please consider partnering financially with Love City.  We are looking for sponsors for students at Mighty Oak Academy as well as partners to help fund construction of our new preschool.  Click the button below to donate today.  

If you are interested in volunteering or to find out more information about supplies needed please email: or call (502) 272-078.