Merry Christmas from Love City!

Merry Christmas! 
Over the past seven years, we have witnessed many Christmas' at Love City, from our very first Christmas party in 2015 to our 2nd annual Mighty Oak Academy Christmas program a couple of weekends ago, we have seen community come together year over year in deeper and more meaningful ways.  

As we look back at Christmas celebrations of the past we are thankful for all of our neighbors both near and far and how we have all come together over the years.  We started with a large Christmas party for neighborhood kids in the gym at the Mackin building, giving out presents and bikes.  Then during the pandemic we shifted to coming together with multiple other organizations to put together food boxes to feed around 20,000 people and finally we had a Christmas program put on by the students at the new Mighty Oak Academy with a lunch for all their families afterward.  It's been a beautiful picture of the development of community,  

Enjoy some pictures from different Christmas' over the years.  When community comes together from near and far to love each other there is nothing we can't do. 

Pictures with Santa at the very first Love City Christmas Party

Packing food boxes for 40 different organizations across the west end to distribute to their neighbors.  

Kindergarnteners performing at the first MOA Christmas Program

After program Christmas lunch for students and families of MOA. 


We know that this time of year is very busy for everyone.  As we approach the end of December please keep Love City in mind when you are thinking about year end giving.  We are super excited looking forward to next year, including opening a pre-school, growth at

Mighty Oak Academy, and much more.  We can't make it happen with out neighbors like you!  You make neighbors loving neighbors possible.  Let's join together to change our city!  

Please consider partnering financially with Love City.  We are looking for sponsors for students at Mighty Oak Academy as well as partners to help fund construction of our new preschool.  Click the button below to donate today.